Assessment and Accountability
K-3 Literacy Testing
Upcoming testing Dates - April 1 through April 30, 2024
Students in kindergarten through grade 3 take the DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) which evaluates a child’s performance on important reading skills: Letter Naming Fluency, Phonemic Segmentation, Nonsense Word Fluency, Word Reading Fluency, Oral Reading Fluency, and Maze (Basic Comprehension
Grades 3-8 Testing
Upcoming Testing Dates for LEAP 2025- April 23 through May 2, 2024
Students in grades 3 through 8 take assessments in English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. These assessments are aligned to the Louisiana Student Standards. Assessments in grades 3-8 include:
English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) - if applicable
LEAP 2025 (English, Math, Science and Social Studies)
LEAP Connect (Alternative Assessment) - if applicable
The LEAP 2025 Assessment will be computer based for all students.
High School Testing
Upcoming Testing Dates for LEAP 2025- May 6 through May 13, 2024
High school students take assessments to determine if they are ready for college and/or careers, as well as to secure postsecondary credit and access. There are six subject tests from four subject areas for the LEAP 2025 high school assessment. Subjects include: English, mathematics, science and social studies.
LEAP 2025 (English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, Civics, and US History)
LEAP Connect (Alternative Assessment) - if applicable
English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) - if applicable
American College Test (ACT)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Testing Resources
Students enrolling into grades 5 or 9 in the public school system from any in-state non-public school or any home school program, or any Louisiana resident transferring from any out-of-state school are required to take the LEAP test or State placement test (grades 4 and 8). Testing information will be provided by schools when applicable.
State Testing Calendar
Academic Standards
St. James Parish Schools’ 2023 District Performance Score (DPS) increased by 6.0 points, growing from 79.1 to 85.1. St. James Parish Schools earned a letter grade of “B” and ranks “Top 3 Most Improved School Systems” in the state of Louisiana.
- Five out of six schools grew in their School Performance Score.
- In the indices of Progress Index and Interests and Opportunities all schools grew.
- Two schools grew in all indices of their School Performance Score.
- Both high schools increased in Assessment Index and Progress Index.
- Both high schools grew in strength of diploma (number of students earning college and Jump Start credentials).
- Both high schools grew in cohort graduation rate index (students graduating in 4 years after entering 9th grade).
Elementary and Middle School Performance
High School Performance