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Business Services

Business Services Contacts

Chief Financial Officer

Ashley Montz

A Montz Image


Accounting Supervisor

Mary Bourgeois

M Bourgeois Image


Senior Accounting Technician

Deborah Louis

D Louis Image


Payroll Supervisor

Theresa Dershak

T Dershak Image


Payroll Supervisor

Rachelle Folchetti

R Folchetti Image


Payroll Coordinator

Cheryl Jesse

photo of Cheryl Jesse


Senior Accounting Technician

Carrie Luersen

C Luersen Image



Operations and Maintenance:

The Operations & Maintenance Department activities are concerned with providing a safe, healthy and comfortable physical environment to the educational process for students, faculty, and staff of the St. James Parish School Systems.

Department Goal:
To use current School Board Operations and Maintenance funds as efficiently and effectively as possible in the activities of the Operations & Maintenance Department.

Manager of Operations & Maintenance :
Lael English

L English Image

The Supervisor of Operations & Maintenance provides supervision of a multidisciplinary team who provide improvements, preventative and emergency maintenance/repair for the daily operation of the St. James Parish School Board facilities in a timely manner in order to create a safe, comfortable environment for learning and administration.


Our custodial and maintenance services are contracted through ABM. ABM is currently hiring for the following positions. To Apply please visit:

ABM Jobs

For questions please contact Joseph Cramer at or at (225) 326-3828